Colombo, Sri Lanka

Admissions of students without regard to race, color



Colombo, Sri Lanka

09:30 - 17:00

Sunday to Friday

Schedule a Meeting

123 456 789

Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday


Targheeb’s resources have been designed primarily to meet Targheeb’s Prek-Grade 5 online curriculum keeping in mind Islamic values that underpin our lesson plans. The worksheets have been developed following thorough research and review of content from a variety of text.

Targheeb’s resources are available for Targheeb’s online learners, home educators or other online educational institutes that may desire to benefit from them at a very minimal charge.

As it is customary to develop learning material on an on-going basis, those who purchase resources will be eligible for updates of the same resource free of cost.

For Sri Lanka, we have a special print on demand package and would appreciate if you would write to us at for more details.

Umm Aasiya

Focusing on the vocabs, really helped Aasiya. A good organized session. Thank you.
Focusing on the vocabs, really helped Aasiya. A good organized session. Thank you.

Grade 1 – 2017

Everything is perfect in the report. May God bless you and May the school prosper and flourish. Ameen.
Everything is perfect in the report. May God bless you and May the school prosper and flourish. Ameen.

Umm Rehan

Looks beautiful! This (trophy) one is a treasure for life In sha Allah!  Thank you.
Looks beautiful! This (trophy) one is a treasure for life In sha Allah!  Thank you.

Umm Asiya

We also appreciate sister Rageeba including the extra benefits such as what Istia'adah, Waajib, Mustahab etc. are in the curriculum to make it more rounded. Alhamdulillaah a very beneficial foundation and the children are more receptive when the teacher teaches them. This makes it easier on us parents . Baarakallaahu Feekunna....
We also appreciate sister Rageeba including the extra benefits such as what Istia’adah, Waajib, Mustahab etc. are in the curriculum to make it more rounded. Alhamdulillaah a very beneficial foundation and the children are more receptive when the teacher teaches them. This makes it easier on us parents . Baarakallaahu Feekunna….


The Ramadan classes are beneficial for parents also, Jazaakum Allahu khairan kasira! May Allah reward your effort!...

(Grade 1 - 2014)
The Ramadan classes are beneficial for parents also, Jazaakum Allahu khairan kasira! May Allah reward your effort!… (Grade 1 – 2014)


Grade 3 Math class was more than superb today. The teacher was fantastic and the students were so carried along. I'm sure the parents enjoyed their stay too. They tagged him the best Math teacher! God bless you for this great opportunity.
Grade 3 Math class was more than superb today. The teacher was fantastic and the students were so carried along. I’m sure the parents enjoyed their stay too. They tagged him the best Math teacher! God bless you for this great opportunity.

Umm Maryam

I would just like to thank you for you Good dedication and service you put into this home schooling site which is helping a lot of families including ours… In Maryam’s case after we took her out of school she’s been home for a whole year… and were looking for someone who can teach her in three subjects science, English, and Math.
I would just like to thank you for you Good dedication and service you put into this home schooling site which is helping a lot of families including ours… In Maryam’s case after we took her out of school she’s been home for a whole year… and were looking for someone who can teach her in three subjects science, English, […]

Umm Aasiya

The class was very valuable. Aasiya does not like math as she finds it difficult and has no confidence. Today, I saw a difference in her attitude due to your painstaking effort to reach each of them at their grass root level. Appreciate it much.
The class was very valuable. Aasiya does not like math as she finds it difficult and has no confidence. Today, I saw a difference in her attitude due to your painstaking effort to reach each of them at their grass root level. Appreciate it much.


We would like to extend our extreme appreciation and gratitude for providing us with this wonderful opportunity, and for making it a truly beneficial experience. It is a wonderful program, and your hard work and dedication to it is truly inspirational. Grade 1 Jul 2018
We would like to extend our extreme appreciation and gratitude for providing us with this wonderful opportunity, and for making it a truly beneficial experience. It is a wonderful program, and your hard work and dedication to it is truly inspirational. Grade 1 Jul 2018


Targheeb’s elementary education program is designed to provide thorough and appropriate instruction to Pre-Kindergarten through First to Fifth Grade students. Using the best of both the British National Curriculum objectives and American Common Core Standards, the Targheeb curriculum is a robust standard based program of study designed to align with the most current national and international learning standards and is uniquely adapted to meet core Islamic values.

The Targheeb’s Elementary curriculum consists of English LA, Math, Science, Social Studies, Islamic Studies, Arabic Studies and Quran with Tajweed. The program of study integrates the Saudi Arabian National curriculum for Islamic and Arabic Studies and a Quran with Tajweed program designed for individuals and groups.

The program equips students with the skills, knowledge, abilities, and understandings that are required for each level. The program also has several integrated assessment tools that allow for critical review of student performance including weekly homework assignments, monthly tests, periodical reviews, projects, and formative and summative assessments.

Begin Fall Semester 1 - Academic year 2018-19 Grades 2 and 4 Sunday, 16 Sept. – 6 December 2018
Semester 2 9 December 2018 (Two weeks)
Winter break begins 21 December 2018 (Two weeks)
Return from winter break 2 January 2019
Begin Semester 3 3 March 2019(Two weeks)
Spring Break 24 March 2019 (Two weeks)
Return from Spring Break 7 April 2019
Ramadan Begins 5 May 2019
End of academic year 16 June 2019

The year will consist of 3 semesters. Each semester will cover 8 – 10 weeks of study, followed by reviews and exams.

Performance reports will be issued at the end of the first and third (final) semester of the academic year.

Students will have regular school during Ramadan and Ramadan 2019 program will start during the spring break insha Allah.

Summer Programs will be announced during the spring break and commence 01 June 2019.


Individual students can also enroll in our existing homeschoolers program for selected subjects such as Arabic and Islamic Studies


Group study courses will start at the beginning of each semester:

16 September 2018

2 January 2019

7 April 2019

To launch a group we require a minimum of 10 students.  Therefore if you wish to join a group on any of the courses offered, please write to us at

Please also read the Fee Based Policy online.