Colombo, Sri Lanka
Targheeb’s PreK curriculum is designed to provide thorough and appropriate instructions for Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten through first to fifth grades. Subjects cover English Language Arts/Literacy, Mathematics/Numeracy, creative arts and crafts, social and emotional skills, and understanding the world.
Targheeb’s curriculum is a robust standard-based curriculum designed to align with the most current international and national learning standards. The curriculum also offers a dual language program with Arabic, Islamic Studies and Quran at each level/grade throughout Primary and Elementary globally. Science and Social Studies are also introduced as cross curricular subjects within English Language Arts lessons to develop essential knowledge, skills, and practices.
In PreK, a rich online learning experience is promoted through the instructional process while young learners will cover the following areas of study:
Phonological Awareness
Children will begin to develop phonemic awareness as they are introduced to the English Alphabets, their phoneme sounds, and one syllable words. They will listen to initial, middle and end sounds in words, discover syllables in words, and learn rhyming patterns.
Alphabet Recognition
Alphabet recognition provides opportunities for children to recognize and write both upper-case and lower-case letters. Children will recognize letters effortlessly and be able to focus on sound-letter relationships and letter formation and will learn to read, write and identify spelling one syllable (CVC) words.
Oral Language and Vocabulary
Children will use English language to express ideas, feelings, respond to questions and learn information and respond in the classroom effectively. Children will learn to make short sentences using 4 – 6 words and be able to retell short stories, make inferences to pictures and illustrations in books, and engage in listening and speaking activities in the classroom.
Literature and Listening Comprehension
Children begin to develop comprehension skills through read-aloud activities in the classroom and at home. Students will also learn to make predictions, make inferences, ask questions about text, discuss text, discuss story events, retell and be able to summarize stories.
Children will learn to write lower-case and upper-case alphabets, one syllable words (CVC) and use words in simple and short sentences to communicate their thoughts and ideas with others. Children will also engage in drawing and coloring activities at home. These skills contribute to the child’s ability to hold and use a pencil, and the ability to draw, write left to right, top to bottom, slanted lines, curved lines, forward circles, backward circles, copy, and color.
Children will learn to identify the English alphabets and sound them correctly, read short words with one or two syllable words, and rhymes. Making reading more fun, children will also be given access to leveled reading e-books that are designed with appropriate texts to strengthen their reading and comprehension skills online an American reading program recognized worldwide.
Children will learn numerals from zero to ten and know their sequence, ordinal numbers, basic measurement skills (more and less/fewer), colors, and basic shapes. They will also learn to compare, sort, classify, and make simple patterns, differentiate and learn about different size, and understand the concept of give and take through money. Children will also be introduced to numbers 1 – 10 in Sinhala.
Financial Literacy:
Children will learn the four keys of Financial Literacy, earn, spend, save, and share., They will learn to identify the different denominations of their local currency (1-10), their colors, shapes and values, where money comes from, how people earn, spend and save money, and the importance of money in our lives.
Targheeb’s Pre-Kindergarten curriculum offers a well-balanced program in which it also incorporates Sinahala Language to meet the Sri Lankan national curriculum for English medium.
The program aims to engage children in their early years in a way that they learn through fun activities and play.
Phonetic Awareness
Children will be introduced to 32 basic symbols from a total of 57 letters including 16 vowels and 41 consonants in the Sinhala alphabets ‘Sinhala hodiya’, their phoneme sounds and one syllable words. They will also learn to identify the first, middle and the last sounds in syllable words.
Alphabet Recognition
Children will learn to identify letters and their sounds using consonants and vowels. They will also learn new vocabulary and letter formation using the Sinhala alphabet in preparation for writing.
Oral language and vocabulary
The lessons will be conducted in Sinhala allowing young learners to work on their listening and speaking skills. They will learn to make inferences, express ideas, feelings and respond to questions in the class effectively. They will learn basic 1 – 2 syllable words appropriate to their age and used for writing. Children will also learn numbers 1 – 10 in Sinhala.
Children will also learn to write the Sinhala alphabets and words appropriate to their age and context. They will also be assigned tracing, drawing, coloring, and art and craft activities linked to the themes periodically.
The lessons will be thematic and children will be explored to a variety of text from read-aloud Sinhala stories. They will also decode letter sounds to form 1-2 syllable words. Reading will also include rhyming words, poems or nursery rhymes and others appropriate to their age.
Children are curious and learning online would give them the opportunity to work on a computer and see how technology works.
During their lessons, children will be introduced to the computer and guided on how to use a computer. They will learn to use the keyboard and mouse.
For children’s safety and active learning, when using a computer during the virtual classroom, parents will be required to supervise and help them.
We understand that a virtual classroom will limit your child’s ability to gain from the skills that are usually gained from a physical classroom. However, during the virtual class, computers’ help children develop their fine motor skills when they learn to control the touch pad or mouse and begin to use the keyboard.
In addition, children will receive regular homework assignments which will help to further strengthen and gain greater control over the small muscles when they are used for writing, drawing, cutting, thread beads, use modeling clay to make different shapes etc. at home.
Cognitive Development
Children will learn to follow directions, identify colors, see similarities and differences in objects, and learn different shapes, sizes, opposites etc.
Social and Emotional learning
Young learners will also build social and emotional relationships with their peers, develop listening and communication skills, retell stories, sing along, read along and actively participate in the classroom.
The program will also use playful thematic ideas from a variety of sources to further help young learners enjoy, learn about themselves, their families, neighbor, community and the world around them.
In order to help children develop healthy social skills, the program also encourage children to participate in our weekly or monthly playgroups that are organized for children to develop motor skills at a nursery located closer to his/her home.
Arabic Studies
Learning a foreign language at an early age improves children’s cognitive development, enhances their memory and research has shown that young learners are better at social interactions and their ability to problem solve is greater than normal children. It also allows students to stretch their capabilities and supports the development of creativity, mental flexibility, and critical thinking. Young learners have a greater capacity to learn languages; therefore, we believe that PreK is the ideal age to begin a dual-language program.
At Targheeb, we hope to build life-long learners of the Arabic language starting with our Arabic PreK program. In this course, children will learn to identify the Arabic letters, articulation of their sounds, combine beginning, middle and end sounds and learn easy vocabulary using diacritical marks, fat’ha, kasrah and dhammah.
Read aloud stories and writing the Arabic letters will further enhance letter recognition and strengthen fine motor skills. Listening skills will also be fostered through short stories in the classroom through the use of visual aids (videos).
Quran with Tajweed and Islamic Studies
The Quran with Tajweed course will enable children to develop the right articulation of the Arabic letters from the Qaidah Nooraniya in order that children are able to identify the letters and words in the Noble Quran. Three Fundamental Principles i.e. Who is your Lord? What is your religion? and Who is your Prophet? And short surahs and basic supplications will also be covered within the course.
Urdu Language/Studies
Targheeb’s Pre-Kindergarten curriculum offers a well-balanced program in which it also incorporates Urdu Language to meet the Pakistani national curriculum for English medium.
The program aims to engage children in their early years in a way that they learn through fun activities and play.
Phonetic Awareness
Children will be introduced to the 36 basic letters and 13 extra characters, 52 altogether. They will also learn to identify the first, middle and the last sounds in syllable words.
Alphabet recognition
Children will learn to identify letters and their sounds using vowels with diacritical marks. They will also learn new vocabulary and letter formation using Urdu alphabets in preparation for writing.
Oral language and vocabulary
The lessons will be conducted in Urdu allowing young learners to work on their listening and speaking skills. They will learn to make inferences, express ideas, feelings and respond to questions in the class proficiently. They will also learn basic 1 – 2 syllable words, read and write appropriate to their age. Children will also be introduced to numbers 1 – 10 in Urdu.
Children will also learn to write the Urdu alphabets, numbers 1 to 10 and words. They will also be assigned tracing, drawing, coloring, and art and craft activities linked to a variety of themes covered in class periodically.
The lessons will cover thematic topics and children will explore a variety of text from read-aloud Urdu stories appropriate for their age. They will also decode letter sounds to form 1 – 2 syllable words. Reading will also include rhyming words, poems or nursery rhymes and others appropriate to their age.