Pre-Kindergarten/Pre-school 4 - 5 year olds (Academic)
Non-refundable admission fee | 50.00 |
Monthly (10 Months) | 250.00 |
Per Semester less 20% (3 Semesters) | 666.00 |
Elementary Courses
Grade 1
Non-refundable admission fee | 200.00 |
Monthly | 300.00 |
Per Semester less 20% (3 Semesters) | 720.00 |
Grade 2
Non-refundable admission fee | 200.00 |
Monthly | 300.00 |
Per Semester (3 Semesters) | 900.00 |
Elective Courses
Islamic Studies
Non-refundable registration fee | 20.00 |
Individual per hour | 15.00 |
Groups | 10.00 |
Quran with Tajweed
Non-refundable registration fees | 20.00 |
Individual *min 8 hours | 120.00 |
Groups *min 8 hours | 100.00 |
Young Readers Arabic Reading Program
Non-refundable registration fee | 20.00 |
Group per month 4 – 5 sessions | 60.00 |
Smart Buddies English Reading Program – Global
Non-refundable registration fee | 20.00 |
Course duration 10 Academic months/Student/m | 60.00 |
Smart Buddies English Reading Program – Sri Lanka
Non-refundable registration fee | 20.00 |
Course duration 10 Academic months/Student/m | 30.00 |
Special Needs
Non-refundable registration fee | 20.00 |
Initial Assessment | 20.00 |
Individual *min 10 hours | 200.00 |
Summer Courses
Financial Literacy
ICT Courses
Non-refundable registration fee | 20.00 |
Arabic Typing for individuals | 150.00 |
Arabic Typing for groups *min 8 hours | 80.00 |
Al-Arabiyah Bayna Yadayk
Non-refundable registration fee | 20.00 |
individuals | 120.00 |
Groups *min 8 hours | 80.00 |
Elective Courses
Elocution – Secondary and above
Non-refundable registration fee | 20.00 |
Monthly (8-12 months) | 50.00 |